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Vanssa lookng ahad, th can popl do not ssu 100, all arng a soft, look xctng, so facs hr th th do not kno, ut so falar as th fat knght, rght and lft, th fry rd har, th fac srous dgs and cornrs of th rgd ddl-agd lords, thy ar popl ost of th Knghts of th cty ntr! Thy all hav allganc to th sur kng roo, follo Suolan up to rd th sand country, hy lvng hr? What happnd tn th and th rop? Vanssa suspcously lookng to Matt, th lattr s a fac of vacant, apparntly, cal Lanta to h as Prnc agnaton of so frankly, ths s a good opportunty, as long as you can grasp.

Vanssa forcd yslf to cal don, sh alkd don th rap, had hgh, antand a prncss should pty s xpnsv, thy scoldd, just opnngs ay. ≈quot;I'v n lookng for your hraouts.≈quot; ths ords also strrd anothr round of th curs, ut Prncss ajstc sound prssur ovr thr dron. ≈quot;You hav rason to la , ut plas hn ork togthr to td ovr th dat crss.≈quot;

A sntnc ords sur knghts ar qut, Vanssa sca

d th crod, all th atd rath, look up atng for th prncss that th ≈quot;crss≈quot;. Vanssa ca to th crod, thout flnchng to look th n th y: ≈quot;I rcv a ssag that y lttl sstr Ylya s Crscnt Cty n th plntaton of trror and tyra

y, f do not try to stop th consquncs ould dsastrous. Gntln lft vast ntr cty, Ylya s only a knd of happy prncss, and no sh vry day to kll a chld ad doll for hs on ausnt, hr nto ths s y fault, so I as just gong to Crscnt Cty to ak up for thr on fault, th shp ll carry us ack to th sur of, I g you, you ar an oath of allganc to th Royal Knghts and lords, plas you ust hlp fulfll y sh, stay I Shoufu th Ylya to dlvr y popl, I a llng to accpt any punshnt. ≈quot;

≈quot;Is ths tru?≈quot; Popl qustond.

≈quot;No on ll lv you! W also ant to ork hard for you?≈quot;

≈quot;Thnk of Banks!≈quot; (Knght of th anks, th xpdton sand rdng country hn lood olf guard vru klld, sorda ordrd xcutd vru, lad to dssatsfacton and conflct of oth sds of th Knghts of th lood olf guard and th sur).

≈quot;Stll go to your lood olf!≈quot;

≈quot;Or dra your sord and hp! W ar floatng th th avs to tundra country on't follo you!≈quot;

What happnd to th dot, ll ak all th popl to hr so angry? Vanssa grttd hs tth, to olng atr lk curss, ≈quot;ths t I as no longr for thr on! But th chldrn of th n oon! Plas us th ran to thnk, Ylya of th agc strong nough to can ak th cty, old and young to tak ordrs fro hr, f I a n posssson of slfshnss, hy don't you lav hr far, ut run to th ody ak rsks? Blv , I just ant to fx y staks.≈quot;

≈quot;My daughtr and Grandson lvng n Crscnt Cty,≈quot; soon shook, hsprd, ≈quot;don't kno hat thy ar no.≈quot;

≈quot;I kno th old Duk Wn, hs daughtr Polly vry, vry good,≈quot; has n carfully atchng Vanssa Sr Donald suddnly opnng, hs ys as to lav th vast cty ntr lk that sharp, or vry artculat, ≈quot;ths as our forr qun thn falur.≈quot;

≈quot;My othr has thr chldrn,≈quot; Vanssa unprosng, ≈quot;ay not ach I alk ths dtour.≈quot;

≈quot;Ys, thr s a On's lf s uncrtan., On's hraouts s a ystry. Prncss Vanssa.≈quot; Donald sd of th knght hat th tu

l, ≈quot;thank you for rndng, sh and Ila, and ar all orshp you!≈quot;

≈quot;But no vn Polly - hgh Wn also dd,≈quot; Vanssa ddn't anag th knght of provocaton, to pull ack on topc. ≈quot;Sh s Ylya fr urnd alv th nvstnt!≈quot;

≈quot;Polly dd?≈quot; On sd of th Sr Cdrc's tongu at a Tu, h turnd to Donald sad, ≈quot;ut sh a vrtuous Lord ah, all th affars of th Lao Gao Wn n d lat Crscnt Cty ar sh tak car of vry ll organzd, sh rally dad? What xactly s th attr?≈quot;

≈quot;So, th dath of th portant prson s nough to caus your attnton?≈quot; Vanssa snrd. ≈quot;Sh caus rfusd to start huan go to th Colossu runs n sarch of Ylya doll, y sstr 'advsd' nto th urnng frood hap, slar such that thr ar stll qut a f popl to na plas lords toston to fnd thr on.≈quot;

≈quot;What do you ant to say, your hghnss?≈quot; Donald stoppd Vanssa sayng, ≈quot;your sstr s or than an vl?≈quot; Hs natly trd ard lt th prncss thnk of hr frst rcnary Colonl Orsr, qually sharp dgs and cornrs, also dos not yld th * styl, t ll a hard nut to crack.

≈quot;It's a pty!≈quot; Whn ncssary, th spch to jon so of th actng, th audnc ll fastr to accpt thr on. Vanssa trlng sound track, ≈quot;I a fourtn yars old lft th cty of ntr, as thron to th sand rdng country of th ny as a hostag, I hav xprncd hat s knon!≈quot; Indd, vn I do not kno, ut I kno I hav xprncd or trrl thng, ≈quot;Vanssa s sand rdng country aductd, s stll ssng, sh rcvd ho any ttr and concrnd aout ho s gong to? Wrong I lv Koan, gv th Nvrntr to hs rul, tn yar old Yfanya alon nt nto xl. In hr charactr and ho uch a dsplacd causd dstortons? ≈quot;

Th knght's ys asd(未完待续)
